Kuzu Effect, 2019
Since the 1990s, an increasing number of mixed-use buildings in Istanbul has turned into crucial urban sociology players with the physical and social relations they have established with their regions. In recent years, Ankara has seen a rapid increase in the number of these structures, which are both highly complex due to their physical size, holistic ownership structures and various functions and highly transformative due to some of these features.
Kuzu Effect project is located in one of the relatively newly developing regions of Ankara. The complex is in contact with the forest in both the west and south directions and features a bazaar, residence and office functions. Giving access to both pedestrians and automobiles from different roads around, it creates a structure as permeable as possible through the ground plane. The inner street connecting the boulevard in the south and Zülfü Tigrel street in the east gives a strong fluidity to the building’s central circulation axis.
As an essential and distinguishing feature of such projects, the structure offers different options in both residential and office solutions, standing out with its wide-ranging sustainability features. Depending on height, view, and size criteria, some parts of the building have units with wide and green terraces, solutions with galleries and high ceilings, and more conventional units in other parts. The plain and characteristic architectural language dominating the entire building emerges as a contemporary representation of the innovative spirit of the region’s early period.